Are you an Emotionally Intelligent doctor? Find out now! Pathology Case of the Day


Are you using your Emotional Intelligence? It is more important than your intelligence quotient (IQ). 

John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey coined the term Emotional Intelligence in 1990. They defined it as an ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.

An emotionally intelligent doctor is an asset to the medical profession. Unfortunately it is not part of the medical curriculum. If there is a complain against any senior doctor of being rude, arrogant and uncaring he should be send to a special course to cultivate emotional intelligence.


Why Emotional Intelligence matters?

  • They are natural influencer, motivator and teachers. People look upto them to get fresh ideas and to learn something new and different.
  •  Emotionally intelligent people are usually successful in their personal and professional lives. It is the ability to understand feelings of others that help them to accomplish their desired goal.
  •  Employers value Emotional Intelligence (EQ) over Intelligence quotient (IQ).
  •  They trust their intuition and 99% of the time it’s right.
  • They stay inspired and focused on simultaneously achieving their own mission and helping others achieve theirs. This results in greater overall impact.
  • Emotionally intelligent people can understand the emotional state of a close friend or a complete stranger (Example: a patient) and can handle each situation competently.
  • They can comfortably work with people from different nationality, religion, race, country and culture.
  • Emotionally intelligent people are good listeners and think carefully before giving an opinion on anything.
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  • They often handle uncomfortable conversation tactfully with a dash of good humour.
  • They are not affected by success or by failure.
  • Emotionally intelligent people remain calm in stressful situation. They rarely express negative emotions like fear, anger, grief, sadness or jealousy.
  • They are completely honest with their close friends about their own side of the story, even if it is a painful truth.
  • Emotionally intelligent people are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • They are respectful to all but know how to set boundaries.
  • Emotionally intelligent people are excellent networker and have friends from various professions and countries. They don’t just stick to their own tribe. They are all global citizens.
  • Emotionally intelligent people can identify negative people easily and can deal with them politely without animosity.
  • They are very popular and trusted by lovely friends in real and virtual world. They know the difference between virtual and real life and act accordingly.
  •  They take good care of themselves and are surrounded by healthy, happy and creative people.Social media is a great place where behaviours of professionals are openly displayed to the world. You may be a CEO, doctor , lawyer, coach, event organizer or a social media expert. Do you really have enough emotional intelligence or are you wearing a mask?
  • emotionbrain

    Pathology Case of the Day:

  • A nodule on the external ear of a young male.
  • Clue:  Adnexal tumour – Papillary projections are lined by two layers of epithelial cells, a columnar luminal cell layer and an outer layer of small cuboidal cells. The stroma is usually infiltrated by a dense mononuclear infiltrate composed entirely of plasma cells.
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Diagnosis: Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum of the External Ear

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