Dengue Virus Infection – [Pathology Poster]


Clinical presentation:

Clinically, symptoms start 6 days after infection as malaise and headache, followed by sudden onset of fever, intense backache and generalized pains, mainly in the orbital and periarticular areas. After an afebrile interval of 24 to 48 hours, there is recurrence of fever for a day or two (‘saddleback fever’).  There may be skin rash and lymphadenopathy.

Visit  – Pathology of Dengue Virus Infection and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever





Visit: Pathology Magazine – October 2017 Issue

Pathology Poster – Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)


The filarial nematode that causes onchocerciasis is known  as Onchocerca volvulus.

Geographic distribution:  The disease is seen in  west and central Africa and in circumscribed areas of Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela and Columbia and in parts of Yemen.

Visit :  Pathology of Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)





Visit – Pathology Magazine – October 2017 Issue

Coccidioidomycosis [Pathology Infographic]

Coccidioidomycosis was first described in 1892 by Alejandro Posadas (a medical student from Argentina), when he evaluated Domingo Ezcurra, a soldier who presented with a verrucous papule on the right cheek. A diagnosis of mycosis fungoides with psorospermia was considered. After having observed spherical organisms with a double-refractile outer wall, that appeared similar to the protozoan Coccidia, Posadas and his mentor, Robert Wernicke, believed that these organisms had a parasitic origin. Ezcurra died in 1898 despite many topical treatments. His head is now conserved in a museum in Buenos Aires.

Ref:Garcia SCG, Alanis JCS, Flores MG, Gonzalez SEG, Cabrera LV, Candiani JO. Coccidioidomycosis and the skin: a comprehensive review. Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia. 2015;90(5):610-619. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20153805.

Visit: Pathology of Coccidioidomycosis


